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💡 About Me

I am currently in career development in the area of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. This is my Portfolio to keep track of my projects, contributions & publications.

My background in Computer Science – I am passionate about data analytics, numbers, and programming, but also have software engineering & development experiences.

I am actively looking for job opportunities where I can help companies in optimizing their businesses and product development by providing meaningful data insights through Python, SQL, and Tableau (or similar technologies).

Feel free to contact me if you found my website useful and think I might be a good fit or simply would like to connect ☕

View My Portfolio

👩🏻‍🔬 What I Possess as a Data Scientist

Personally, domain knwoledge and the ability to learn on the fly really far more valuable than on a book understanding of machine learning algorithms. The good things I possess as a Data Scientist are:-

  • The ability to built robustly simple models that generalise effectively on out-of-sample data.
  • Machine Learning models not always or must be a complicated model
  • Capability and desire to express complex issues in a simple and transparent manner
  • Be detailed oriented and understanding on how to drive a business competitive
  • Be a strong analytical thinker with problem-solving and presentation skills

✍🏻 Keywords

Python (Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, OpenCV), Data Cleaning, Data Visualization (Dataiku, Tableau), SQL, Command Line, Git and Version Control, Data Version Control (DVC) Advanced Machine Learning (Linear Regression, Classification, Clustering etc.), Deep Learning (NN, CNN, etc) Probability/Statistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Cloud Computing (AWS EC2)

I am ready to apply my Data Science skills to solve bussiness problems either full-time, contract, hybrid, remote or freelance.